White & Red Lefty's Deceiver Saltwater fly

Lefty Kreh, the internationally known author and respected fly fisherman from Maryland, developed this pattern in the late 1950's originally for striped bass in Chesapeake Bay, VA, USA but it is now an adaptable modern classic suitable for most fish.

The White and Red Lefty's Deceiver Saltwater fly fishing pattern

Lefty's Deceiver Saltwater Fly Hook size 2/0, 4, 6 - $The demo for RomanCart Remote Data Delivery has expiredUS each

LD7 Plain White & Red Lefty's Deceiver Hook Size 2/0   - Quantity: 
LD7 Plain White & Red Lefty's Deceiver Hook Size 4      - Quantity: 
LD7 Plain White & Red Lefty's Deceiver Hook Size 6      - Quantity: 

Fly Fisherman Lefty Kreh wanted to make a fly that would not foul, could be made in different colour combinations to match the local baitfish and one that could be made in different sizes. He succeeded. The Lefty's Deceiver is a style of tying designed to resemble the shape and size of various swimming baitfish but when lifted from the water it can be cast with ease like a sleek missile. The wing is attached at the tail of the hook to prevent fouling in flight. It also helps to animate the fly in the water because of its great swimming action. The collar is extend well beyond the hook shank allowing the wing feathers to undulate and giving the fly the shape of a fish. We use red flash on the beard of the fly to imitate gills. If a predator fish looks up and sees the white silvery underside of a bait fish it knows which way to attack by which end the gills are. If the gills are at the front it will attack from the rear. The wing material gives the illusion of body width without a lot of extra bulk which would make it sink. The inclusion of generous amounts of flash make the fly a more attractive and noticeable target as it glints in the sun. You cannot go wrong with this fly.

Lefty started his fly fishing addiction in 1947 when fishing guide Joe brooks introduced him to the delights of a fly rod and reel whilst fishing on the Potomic River above Washington DC, USA. When flying ants were falling on the water through exhaustion as they tried to cross the large expanse of water and failed,. Bob would cast to the little rings that appeared on the water surface and catch the rising trout. He did that about eight times. Lefty was amazed. The next day Lefty drove back to Bob's home in Baltimore, Maryland and purchased his first set of fly fishing tackle. Bob gave Lefty his first 9 o'clock to 1 o'clock casting lesson. Lefty carried on practicing and started reading up on his new hobby. Jock Scott's Guide to fly fishing was an early favourite read. It was Bob Brooks who introduced Lefty to saltwater fly fishing in 1964 by getting him a job in Miami working for Orvis. He got to met all the local guides and learn from them. He later started to act as a guide and also demonstrate casting techniques, provide fishing lessons and give talks to various groups. This is not a fly just for American waters. If you fly fish in Europe, Australia, New Zealand or South America this is a good fly to use if your target fish feeds on medium sized bait fish. Salmon, steelheads, large trout and pike will attack this beauty.

Lefty Kreh designer of the Lefty's Deceiver saltwater Flyfishing stramer fly

Lefty Kreh designer of the Lefty's Deceiver saltwater flyfishing streamer fly

I use this fly all the time. I have had pike hit this fly in Cayuga Lake here in NYS. Bass love it. So I tie many of them in different sizes. I

The White and Red Lefty's Deceiver Saltwater fly fishing pattern

Lefty's fishing books

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