About us

Hi, I am Craig Moore, owner of the English Fly Fishing Shop. We are a fishing fly specialist company. We are Located in the South West of London, England, near Wimbledon where they play the International Lawn Tennis Championships. We have been selling fishing flies since 1978. We no longer have a physical shop. As most of our customers come from the USA having a bricks and mortar building to sell fishing flies was redundant. This has meant that we have been able to keep the price of the flies we sell at a reasonable level. All our sales are done via our website.
Why are your prices in US dollars?
We sell our flies in US Dollars because 90% of our customers are from North America and fishermen from other parts of the world normally know what their currency is worth against the US Dollar.
Do you have a catalogue you can send me?
We try to keep the cost of our flies low so we do not send out catalogues. All our flies have their own page on our internet site with a large colour photo.
I do not want to join PayPal. How do I pay?
You do not have to join PayPal to pay for your fishing flies. At the bottom of the payment box on the PayPal page is a big button that says PAY BY DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD. Just click that button and pay using your bank or credit card. We use PayPal so that those customers that do have an account with them can do one click order payment, just like you can do with Amazon. It saves having to enter your address and card details each time.

Adrian Medcalf - Co Founder and Fly Fisherman
Mid May on a typical English spring day. The first thought of the morning, yes its the weekend and its time to blow the dust off the rod and set out for great new conquests. There in the distance, the first rise of the morning a rainbow leaping out of the clear water. It's sleek slender body shining silver, twisting as it takes a fresh mayfly from a new hatch. A deep breath is taken and the fly box explored for inspiration this is no lucky dip.

This a challenge against nature a bizarre game of natural chess. Once the fly hits the water the game is on. Every slight touch of the fly line, as it is slowly brought in small jerky movements, trying to imitate one of nature's marvels, is difficult to achieve. Once in a while that moment comes.
The take, the sudden lunge of the line. The bending of the rod. The spin of the reel. The explosion of water as the fish hits the surface like a trident missile heading for its target. The turn and the dive, a moment of uncertainty creeps into the equation. Is it still on the line or is this another tale of the one that got away? No we go again. Another leap, twist, a dive, this time like the titanic. The last roll before safely into the net. Another success. A deeply satisfying moment to be savored.

Fishing is for every age group and gender. Start them young and get them hooked. You are never too old to start having fun. Who says flyfishing is a man's sport? Come on girls take 'the stand' and catch dinner.

These photographs were taken on the River Lyn which runs through the Exmoor National Park, North Devon in South West England. Penny Luckhurst is demonstrating her ability with the forward cast to seek out a deep river pool and the trout that dwell there. She had decided on a Booby fly and used a slow retrieve. She was rewarded with this superb catch
Always take time to introduce youngsters into the sport. They are its future. It is so rewarding to see their faces when they catch their first fish. It gets them off the street and away from the TV, in wonderful natural surroundings. Seek the rise. Take your time and get your cast right. Then follow with a good retrieve. This is my idea of heaven ... fly fishing. - Adrian Medcalf
